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Andrews PC Systems Ltd Privacy Policy


What we will do:

Collect your email address and keep it on our server at our business address for contact use only.

Collect your name and telephone number and keep it together with your email in our contacts list.

Keep your details encrypted.

Reasonably secure our premises at all times.

Comply with any request by HM Customs or similar warranted government agent.

Comply with any request by the Police or an agent of.

Keep recovered data on our server during the recovery process and then for 90 days (where possible) unless requested for a longer or shorter period.

We may sometimes use your data to send you out only relevant offers and deals, and only very occasionally.

We may, unless you ask us not to, transfer your data from your local drives when your machine comes in for repair, if we think it will help keep your future costs down and safeguard your data before and during, undertaking any work on your hardware.


What we will never do:

We will not sell or distribute any of the information we keep about digitally, tangible or otherwise to any 

third party.

We will not move your data to any other location other than our business address.

We will not allow your data to move to another business that under the umbrella of Andrews PC Systems unless it is specifically relevant to your service.


Sell your data.

Give your data away.

View your documents without your presence or permission.

View your graphic content without your presence or permission.

Discuss your data outside of what is technically relevant with a third party, other than a clean room recovery centre.


If you think we may have not met or covered all of your privacy requirements, then email us with your details:

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